ACS & BES - since buses began their routes this morning, public safety officials have begun receiving reports of downed trees and wires. Buses are being rerouted as needed to provide access to elementary schools, which will be open on time.
9 months ago, Prospect Mountain Schools
Since 6:30 this morning, trees and wires have been reported down on Route 28, affecting access to the high school. Fire and public works employees are responding. Buses and student drivers should follow the instructions of public safety personnel and will not be considered late to school if drive time is affected.
9 months ago, Prospect Mountain Schools
Due to winter storm conditions, there will be a two-hour delay the morning of December 4, 2023.
9 months ago, Prospect Mountain Schools
We have the best IT, maintenance, and custodial staff in the business... while students have a four-day weekend and teachers attend to their professional development needs, they are putting more finishing touches on the infrastructure at the BES Early Learning Center -- including security cameras and new playground equipment! #BarnsteadBears #WeAreProspect
11 months ago, Prospect Mountain Schools
maintenance staff assembling playground equipment
IT technician installing security cameras
IT technician at work
Today, are welcoming new teachers for ACS, BES, and PMHS to our induction and mentoring program. It's almost time to start the new year! #WeAreProspect
about 1 year ago, Tim Broadrick
Teachers participating in an ice-breaker activity
A big "thank you" to our partners at Sumnerscape for performing repairs to high school practice fields in preparation for the upcoming sports seasons. #WeAreProspect
about 1 year ago, Tim Broadrick
soccer goal with new sod installed behind the goal
field work machinery
soccer goal with an area excavated for sod replacement
field paint and string showing limit of work for sod replacement
It may be summer vacation, but FIRST Robotics @FRC319 Big Bad Bob is in the shop. Older members are helping the younger members develop their skills for the upcoming season. #weareprospect #omgrobots @frcteams
about 1 year ago, Tim Broadrick
team 319 members working on their FIRST Robotics robot
Team 319 members working on robot parts
Team 319 members in robotics lab
Our partners from Omada and Telnet Tech are doing a great job replacing ACS's decade-old wiring infrastructure. Federal e-rate funds are helping us update all the network infrastructure at ACS this summer.
about 1 year ago, Tim Broadrick
IT worker handling network wire
Computer network switch rack
Computer network wires
Throwback one month to June 10, when the PMHS Softball team won its #Back2Back State Championship! #WeAre Prospect
about 1 year ago, Tim Broadrick
PMHS Softball D3 State Champions
Congratulations to our HOSA girls for passing their LNA exams this past Friday! Way to go!
over 1 year ago, Prospect Mountain SAU
HOSA students taking a picture together with their medals
Ben’s Famous Pet Rocks were a huge hit today during lunch! Luckily, Sarah was able to get one before he sold out. Nice work Ben!
over 1 year ago, Prospect Mountain SAU
Student picking out Ben's Famous Pet Rocks
Today is a remote learning day. Please follow the remote learning day schedule.
over 1 year ago, Prospect Mountain SAU